Wednesday, 23 October 2019

Do Artificial Intelligence(AI) creations think like humans? Chatbot as an example

The idea of whether computers have the intellect of a human has been on for a long time. In 1950, Alan Turin posed whether a computer has a true intellect or not. The term ‘Artificial Intelligence’ was then coined by John McCarthy in 1956.

Considering how Artificial Intelligence works, the opinion that Artificial Intelligence developments have the ability to think like humans and do all things human beings do could be convincing.

Because of the human-related tasks Artificial Intelligence computers perform, there are people who believe human beings are in danger - one being unemployment.

An example many users of the internet would have seen but might not pay attention to is a chatbot – a creation of Artificial Intelligence. A chatbot is a virtual assistant that serves as a conversational interface between a user and an online platform.

A chatbot is what pops up to the screen or on the screen of a user surfing a website asking (at times) if you are in need of any help and with which a conversation could be held and it is available for 24hours.

Instead of the age-long human online assistants who are not always available round the clock, many websites now use chatbots to answer inquiries from users. As a result of the positives coming from its use, both big and small companies are utilizing a chatbot.

For instance, Facebook uses a chatbot called Facebook Messenger, Amazon named its own chatbot Alexa, Apple’s chatbot is known as Siri and Microsoft have Xiaoice as its chatbot.

For the past two years when chatbots started gaining popularity, human personnel employed for the roles chatbots now perform are, to some extent, losing their jobs.

Does it then mean Artificial Intelligence products match human beings' intellectual capacity and are also applicable in all aspects of life?

At present, the answer
is NO!

Artificial Intelligence inventions do not have a high cognitive capability as humans. They cannot handle unstructured or open-ended activities. AI creations would perform poorly in activities having no particular structure or pattern to follow.

Back to the chatbot example. Programmers program chatbots to provide useful information to users. At that, there are many questions chatbots could not answer. That is why chatbots refer some questions from its users to a human staff if asked questions beyond what was programmed in it.

Programmers saw this coming and have made it possible for chatbots to improve upon its performance by learning from its human users. Some chatbots are designed to store information put to it by users to improve its performance. Thanks to Machine Learning.

Other structured areas Artificial Intelligence inventions are good at are chess, diagnosis, credit card fraud, driving, looking at the weather and predicting whether it will rain, determining whether the fruit is an apple or orange, drawing diagrams using AI and many more.

All the examples above have patterns that could be followed algorithmically and AI devices are good at doing this.


Artificial Intelligence products are not up to the level of human intelligence yet. Many of these products are not totally independent without a human in the loop of its activities as they still need and learn from humans.

Monday, 7 October 2019

What is Artificial Intelligence (AI)?

Are you confused about what AI is? Relax and read the below.

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is the ability of a system such as a computer, or applications or other devices to perform what humans do. In other words, AI is the simulation of human beings in what human beings do.

For instance, human beings have the ability to read aloud from a book or document. There are apps that could do this, too. An example of such an app is Talk FREE. The app reads written words aloud coherently. Apps like this are examples of Artificial Intelligence.

Another known case of AI is computer games - Playstation as an example. It is possible for a human player of the game to play against the computer. Both the human player and the computer play the game the same way and perform the same skills.

The capacity of the computer to play the game like a human is known as Artificial Intelligence. Artificial Intelligence in computer games has been in existence for a long time.

Another sample of AI is a computer playing chess against a chess grandmaster and possibly winning against the grandmaster.

Other varieties of AI are a driver-less automobile, chatbots, AI-assisted legal research, AI prediction of legal outcomes etcetera.

All the above acts done by AI developments are what human beings also do. That is why AI is said to be a simulation of human beings.

Does it mean that AI creations have a brain and ability to think like humans? Do AI products do all that human beings do and independently?

In my next article, the questions will be answered plus the meaning of machine learning.